Monday, February 15, 2010

Apple's HFS+ driver for Windows

I need to access the HFS+ partition in my external hard disk. But, Windows does not recognized HFS+ partition. There are few solutions. One is to buy MacDrive which can bring both read and write ability to Windows. But, I don't want to "write" to HFS+ partition which can potentially mess up the file system. Besides, it's not free. Or one can use HFSExplorer which is free and open source. But, one can not operate on the file directly through native Windows interface which is counter-intuitive.
Recently, I found that Apple's Bootcamp contain driver which can let Windows recognized and read HFS+ partition. This let me wonder can I extract the driver from Bootcamp and install the driver in Windows. After some search, bingo!, I found the solution here:
In short, all you need is two system drivers from Bootcamp, AppleHFS.sys and AppleMNT.sys, and a little registry tweak.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Group"="File System"

"Group"="System Bus Extender"

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